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Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Quantitative versus Qualitative:

Quantitative versus Qualitative:
 Quantitative research relates to aspects that can be quantified or can be
expressed in terms of quantity. It involves the measurement of quantity or
amount. The various available statistical and econometric methods are adopted
for analysis in such research. Some such includes correlation, regressions and
time series analysis.
On the other hand, Qualitative research is concerned with qualitative
phenomena, or more specifically, the aspects related to or involving quality or
kind. For example, an important type of qualitative research is ‘Motivation
Research’, which investigates into the reasons for human behaviour. The main
aim of this type of research is discovering the underlying motives and desires of
human beings by using in-depth interviews. The other techniques employed in
such research are story completion tests, sentence completion tests, word
association tests, and other similar projective methods. Qualitative research is
particularly significant in the context of behavioural sciences, which aim at
discovering the underlying motives of human behaviour. Such research helps to
analyse the various factors that motivate human beings to behave in a certain
manner, besides contributing to an understanding of what makes individuals like
or dislike a particular thing. However, it is worth noting that conducting
qualitative research in practice is considered as a difficult task. Hence, while undertaking such research, seeking guidance from experienced expert
researchers is important.

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